
I’ve been correcting people’s grammar and punctuation pretty much as long as I can remember, and writing stories even longer. From editing resumes as a student employee at the career center at Carnegie Mellon to helping freshmen learn how to write research papers to workshopping novels of all shapes, sizes, and genres, I love helping people make their writing shine.

Plus, I’m in law school at Harvard, so I have an eye for detail and could probably beat you in an argument over the Oxford comma (yes, always).

I’m a current or past member of Highlands Ranch Fiction Writers, Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, Lighthouse Writers Workshop, Northern Colorado Writers, and Pikes Peak Writers. I received a minor in creative writing from Carnegie Mellon University, and my novel Go received second place in Pikes Peak Writers’ Zebulon Novel Contest in 2015.

I’m passionate about writing that captivates you and sweeps you into another world, and I want to help your writing be the best it can be. Drop me a line, or check out my services.